The most fun you've ever had on a baseball field.

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NYABC Dallas - July 15-16th 

Rising Stars

Ages: 6-10
Time: Morning
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Future Phenoms

Ages: 11-17
Time: Afternoon
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NYABC Houston - July 22-23rd 

Rising Stars

Ages: 6-10
Time: Morning
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Future Phenoms

Ages: 11-17
Time: Afternoon
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January 5-7, 2023

Orange County, CA

It came to life.  Just months after beginning their baseball content creation journey, they had an idea. Coach Bougie and Coach RAC got the idea in October of 2022: 

Coach Bougie: "What if we made a Father/Son camp?"

Coach RAC: "Well... what if we just made the best camp EVER?"

We began promoting through social media, and began assembling perhaps the greatest baseball coaching staff ever assembled.  Once our team had been assembled, we had a problem...

We had no campers. 

Plus, we promised we would pay the coaches...

So we got to work and sent over 100 personalized video messages to people who had filled out the interest form.  In fact, Coach RAC sent these videos while his gracious wife drove them up to San Luis Obispo for their 1 year anniversary trip. 

Somehow we managed to get 60 campers with a few last minute sign ups.

With just two days until camp, our location was "rained out" and they said we couldn't use the field.  

We couldn't cancel now.  We had people traveling from all over the country for this camp.

After frantically calling every indoor facility imaginable, we found the Cali National Baseball Facility in Lake Forest, California.

We planned and planned and planned with one filter:  "How can we make this NOT average?!"

We gave this camp everything we had, and this camp forever changed the way we looked at youth baseball. 

We stumbled onto something incredibly powerful. 

Baseball can be fun AND educational.  Baseball can be leveraged for life lessons. Baseball can unite families. Baseball can be used to change lives. 

This is Not Your Average Baseball, and we're just getting started.


July 27-29, 2023

Redlands, CA

We did it again.  This was our second NYABC and we had some new faces on the scene.  Coach Murph and Coach Joey made their NYABC debut as we all braved the 110 degree weather.  This camp prioritized player development and college recruitment as we had every player fill out the "Showcase Readiness Scorecard" to prepare our players mentally and physically to perform when it counts.  



Jan 3-4, 2024

UT Arlington, TX

WOW.  This was the most impactful NYABC to date.  This was our first FREE camp, and boy was it special. These campers were high character, high focus, and extremely high fun.  From Coach Ballgame's Sandlot games, to swing unlocks with Coach DR and Coach Jenk, to parent coaching meetings, many smiles and tears were shared, many lessons were learned, and many lives were imprinted forever. 



June 17-18, 2024

UT Arlington, TX

Yep. This is it. It just keeps getting better. 

Stay tuned :) 

Clubhouse Photos Here.


Meet the Coaches

These are Not Your Average Coaches...

Let's Go!


Coach RAC


Coach Bougie


Coach Ballgame


Coach Dalton


Coach Jake


Coach Sam


Coach Knez


Coach Jenk


Coach Tanner


Coach DR


Coach Bobby


Coach Joey


Coach Murph


Coach White Rose


Dr. Kam DPT

How NYABC Started


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We're keeping things updated on social and here on the website as quickly as possible, but if you still have questions, that means someone else does too. 

Please reach out and ask!

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