The Social Media Shortcut: 

The New Method To Get Recruited For College Baseball

The internet (& social media) fundamentally changed the way college coaches recruit. 

Learn the tools you need in order to stand out in the new digital age and so you don't get beat out from someone else who learns them first!

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Trying to get recruited for college baseball can be intimidating...

If you don't have a plan.

You're worried about getting lost in the crowd

You're nervous about how to reach out to schools

You're unsure because you haven't done this before

And that leads to sleepless nights and feeling constantly overwhelmed.

We don’t want that for you.

We (Coach RAC and Coach Bougie) have helped thousands of baseball players gain the skill and confidence they need to play at a higher level. 

Now, you can get the exact process we'd use to get recruited if we were back in high school again by getting access to this course.

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If you have these problems, this course can help:


❌ Anxious about not getting seen by college coaches enough

❌ Antsy because you don't have a clear plan to get in front of college coaches

❌ Stressed because you're spending WAY too much money on showcases 

❌ Worried about blending in with the competition

❌ Nervous about navigating the college baseball recruiting process

❌ Unsure about how to choose the right school to play for

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Here's the thing, "Recruiting" has changed...


❌ Coaches want to see players in person → ✅ Coaches want to qualify players through video BEFORE seeing them in person

❌ Coaches hear your name and wonder who you are → ✅ Coaches immediately visit your social media and see who you are

❌ Coaches see a player once at a showcase → ✅ Coaches follow player's development and journey on social media

❌ Coaches see local players → ✅ Coaches see whoever s on social media

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Your 3-Step Process to Getting Recruited:

1. Unlock Instant Access

Click the button below to buy the course and unlock instant access.

2. Learn The Plan 

Follow the Not Your Average Recruiting Checklist to make yourself attractive to college coaches.

3. Get Recruited!

Open conversations with college coaches and get recruited!

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What's Inside?

1. Big Picture Recruiting Overview 

  • The #1 Major Way the Internet has Changed Recruiting (And How You Can Take Advantage)
  • 6 Characteristics College Coaches Are Looking For (So They Find You)
  • 4 Red Flags that Will Get You Crossed Off a Coaches List (So You Can Stay at the Top of the List)
  • Showcase vs Development Mindset (And Why it's so Important to Your Development)


2. How to Use Social Media to get College Coach's Attention 

  • The 3 Major Things to Optimize on Your Social Media PROFILE to Attract Coaches 
  • How to Leverage the 3 Major Social Media PLATFORMS for Their Greatest Strength
  • The 4 Types of CONTENT to Post on Each Platform to Stand Out and Build Credibility


3. How to Make Your Recruiting Video Stand Out From the Pack 

  • How to FILM your recruiting video to best show off your skills
  • How to EDIT your recruiting video so you look like a professional
  • How to POST your recruiting video so it's easy for coaches to access

4. How to Reach Out to Coaches so They Know You Exist (And Want to Talk to You)

  • How to Create a Professional Email Address Coaches Will Respect
  • How to Identify the Top 25 Schools You Want to Play For
  • How to Quickly Find the Right Coach's Contact Info so You Can Reach Out to Them (And do Research on the Program)
  • How to Craft an Email that Grabs Their Attention and Proves You're Worth Paying Attention To
  • How to Easily Use Personalized Video to WOW the Coaches You Want to Play For

(Bonus) How to Make it Easy for Your Coach to Advocate for You

  • BONUS: A Simple Email Template and Process Even the Busiest Coach Could Help You With

(Bonus) How to Choose the Right School for You 

  • BONUS: How to Choose a School Evaluation Template

Here's What You Get:

✅ 1. Big Picture Recruiting Overview 

✅ 2. How to Use Social Media to get College Coach's Attention 

✅ 3. How to Make Your Recruiting Video Stand Out From the Pack 

✅ 4. How to Reach Out to Coaches so They Know You Exist (And Want to Talk to You)

✅ BONUS: How to Make it Easy for Your Coach to Advocate for You 

✅ BONUS: How to Choose the Right School for You 

Get it today for: $97

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What They're Saying...

"I coached 9 years of high school baseball in Southern California. In that span, we saw 68 players move on to play college baseball. I've watched the recruiting process evolve over the years and this course it the new blueprint to get recruited."

 - Jake Savicki

(Former HS Head Coach in Southern California) 

"Social media IS the new recruiting strategy. If you want to get in front of coaches, you need to learn how to use it. There's nobody better to learn it from than RAC and Bougie."

 - Ian Jenkins

(Hitting Coach who was drafted out of HS and played at South Carolina)

"Social media has been a major for me when it comes to building my business and teaching kids how to drive the baseball. If you use social media right, it will be a major unlock for your recruiting. RAC and Bougie are masters at this."

 - Drew Richard

(D.R. Hitting helps youth baseball players in lessons and content around the country)

"Recruiting continues to change to be more and more online. Those who understand and take advantage of it will have a major advantage over those who don't. This is the best structure I've seen around how to use social media to get recruited."

 - Bobby O'Neill

(Worked with 100+ players who've gone on to play college)

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If this course isn't the best resource you've ever seen on how to get recruited using social media, you get your money back!

Just send us an email at [email protected] and tell us what was missing. 

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Start to Get Recruited Using Social Media Today

What to you have to lose?

Compared to what you have to gain?

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